3 Things I Learned in a Room Full Of Empowered Women

Let me let you in on something. 

There are many ways in which I saw myself living in my late 20s.  I knew since I was a little girl that I wanted to live in a big city where I could feel opportunities all around me. 

I wanted “all”. My dream job, my dream home, and my dream family. 

But as I grew up, I realized that the world I lived in didn’t seem to support my idea so much. I realized that not only me, but the women around me seemed to have to face the choice of having to give up one of their dreams to accomplish the rest. I also realized how rare it was to see a woman sitting in a CEO chair, let alone see a woman be a CEO and have a family and a home. 

Well, now that I’m almost 28 years old, I know that the world that we live in is changing for the better. And it's all because of women who have been paving the way for the rest of us. 

Women who have sacrificed, learned, fought, and accomplished so many things to let the world hear our voices. 

Women like the ones that were sitting in last week’s event at the iconic Carlyle Hotel in New York City, an event organized by hertelier, a platform that inspires and supports women in the hospitality industry.

As I was part of the group sitting and listening to what the three experienced panelists had to say about the predictions for our industry, I felt a buzz inside of me. You know, that warm feeling you get that turns into goosebumps when you’re surrounded by such a powerful energy.

Well, here are 3 things that stuck with me from being in a room full of empowered women on a Wednesday morning in New York City. 

Learn to speak up for yourself. 

As human beings, it’s easy to let the imposter syndrome get the best of us sometimes. It’s easy to doubt our abilities or to question an opportunity when it comes to us. It’s part of being human, and as women, it might happen more often than you think.

What to do in that scenario then? Learn to speak up for yourself. 

Sometimes that means giving yourself a pep talk and some morning affirmations before a big interview, and sometimes that means speaking up during a meeting when you don’t agree with something. 

It means asking for a raise because you deserve it, or applying for that promotion you thought was too far out of your reach. 

It means projecting your confidence in the way you speak and the way you go for your dreams. 

Because girl, you and I both know that when we speak up and are determined, the sky is never the limit.

Representation matters. 

This one really hits home for me because as a Hispanic- Latina woman and an immigrant who lives now in the US, being able to see myself in someone else’s shoes has not always been the case. 

It’s not every day that you get to see someone who has not only worn your shoes but walked in them. 

This is why it is a personal motivation of mine to keep reminding myself that what I do matters. 

Even if it seems small, or insignificant at times, what I do matters. Why? Because there are more women who will be able to see themselves in me. 

Representation matters in every way, shape, color, race, background, and culture. 

That is part of the beauty of our industry, to be able to find yourself in people you meet every day. 

Look around and find another “star”.

Wherever you may find yourself now, look around you and recognize the person that shows up. The person who is passionate about what they do and the person who cares about the smallest details. Recognize them and lend them a hand.

Recognize the person who needs support and be a mentor in any way you can. When we feel supported and cared for, we gain confidence. We believe in ourselves in ways we didn’t before because we just needed someone else to remind us we can do it.

Events like this leave me feeling hopeful and motivated.

Hopeful because I know that we have the power to change our daily actions for a better and more equal future.

And motivated because we have work to do! 

They remind me that being a woman is a beautiful and powerful thing, and when we support each other, world you better watch out. 

We can’t control many things in the world, but we can decide the person we choose to be. 

And I choose to be a woman who fights, who dreams, and who works hard to make sure I leave a better world behind.

I choose to be a woman who believes that we can conquer anything.

Because we can. 


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