What Would Your “Oscars” Speech Be?

“And the Oscar goes toooooooooo (insert your name here)”. 

As many of you know, the 95th Academy Awards were celebrated this last Sunday, and as I was comfortably watching them eating my popcorn, I couldn’t help but notice a pattern. 

Every artist, producer, or writer who won an award would do one (or all) of these three things in their speech.

They thanked someone. 

Everyone who got on stage to receive an award, thanked a family member, a special someone, and most importantly, their team. 

I find it incredibly humbling when we recognize that we’re not a one-man show. There is always a group of people behind us playing part in everything we do. We accomplish more together.

Maybe it’s the coworker who always had your back, the one who pushed you to new limits, the boss that made you learn from your mistakes or the one person who didn’t really believe you could do it. 

Because all of them, in one way or another, made you who you are today.

They recognized how long it took to get there.

We all know that “Rome wasn’t built in a day” right? For most people, winning an Oscar has been the culmination of years of hard work, sweat, and tears. It means that even when they had a smaller role in a movie or TV show, or when people didn’t know their names, they were on their way to something bigger. 

Because they kept putting in the work. 

Almost everyone got teary eyes when accepting the award because it meant their hard work paid off.

It meant that not giving up takes you places, even if it takes time.

Inspire someone else. 

If you ask me, in the end, it doesn’t matter how many awards you may receive. What matters is how many people you were able to touch in your life. How many people might feel inspired by your story, your work, and your passion.

Anything we leave behind is what really matters. 

Almost every artist mentioned someone who might have been an inspiration to them one day and now, they have become an inspiration for the rest of the world. 

Because as I’m sitting here writing this, I’m thinking, what would I say in my speech? 

Who would I thank? 

What are the steps I would say I took in order for my dream to come true?

Who would I be able to inspire? 

So bottom line is, I believe that whatever you’re working on or dreaming about right now, can come true. 

The key is to put in the work even when we don’t feel like it. 

Even if you can’t notice immediately, give it time. Give people time to find you. 

And don’t give up. 

Because you never know. You might be the next one to give your speech.


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